Senior KG


Senior KG

Age – 4 ½ Years to 5 ½ Years

Aim – Preparing for formal education – reading, writing and math’s readiness. Build the child’s interpersonal skills. Enhance social, language, cognitive, emotional, creative and aesthetic development and developing self independence and self esteem of child.

Method – Playway and Montessori Method

The child is introduced to one new concept or theme every month.

The content includes:

English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Value Education, World around Us, Hindi Basic Grammar General Knowledge, Celebration of festivals etc.

Syllabus for Senior KG

English Written & Oral

Cursive Writing – A-Z    (Capital/Small) | Sound Words – a,e,i,o,u | Rhyming Words | Singular Plural | Opposites | Use of this/that, these/those | Action Words | Gender | Articles (a, an) | Use of (He, She, It, On, Under And Yourself) | Concept of Left-Right, Up-Down, One-Many | Question-Answers | Pair Words | Name The Picture | Myself | My Classroom


स्वर, व्यंजन | मात्राएँ – आ , इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ॠ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अः | रंगों के नाम | अंगों के नाम | फलों के नाम | सब्जियों के नाम | जानवरों के नाम | विलोम शब्द | लिंग बदलो व पहचानो | दो तीन चार अक्षर के शब्द | वचन बदलो | सप्ताह के दिनों के नाम | महीनों के दिनों क नाम | वाक्य लिखो व पढ़ो


Counting – 1-500 | Number Names – 1-100 | Back Counting – 100-1 | Ordinal Numbers 1-10 Before, Between and After | Even & Odd Numbers | Tables 2-5 | Put The Correct sign <, >, = | Increasing Decreasing Numbers | Shapes | Months of the Year | Days of the Week | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication | Skip Counting | Money | Time


Fruit’s Name | Vegetable’s Name | Colour’s Name | Domestic & Wild Animals | Bird’s Name | Our Helpers | Home, Sound and Young ones of animals | Body parts | Days of the Week | Months of the Year | Name on Insects | National Flag | 7 colour’s of Rainbow | Traffic Lights | Flower’s Name | Means of Transport (Land, Water, Air) | Directions (NEWS) | Seasons Name | Question & Answers
About Us

We believe that the foundation for a successful career is laid at an early age. Therefore it is our constant endeavor to bring in the best and innovative curriculum, teaching aids and methods, presented by well trained and experienced teachers and delivered to your child at an affordable price.